Has anything ever stuck to you that was hard to remove? Confession: I have a phobia. It is sticky hand phobia. If I get honey, or syrup on my hands - look out! It drives me wild! Like freak out dance wild.

The other sticky problem I’d like to solve is hard to remove price stickers. Sometimes those puppies are just stuck! I probably have old items in my house that look new because I could never get that sticky sticker off!

We can have things in our emotional lives that are sticky too.

We've all heard it . . . that little voice in our heads telling us we are not enough, we are ugly, we aren't gifted . . . the labels we took on from misspoken words from parents, or mean girls, or maybe comparisons to other girls or media. 

BUT the problem with those sticky thoughts and labels – is that when they stick, we get stuck.

WE NEED GOO-BE-GONE for our thought life, and our emotions. (Thoughts lead to emotions…you knew that).

Do you have a label that is stuck on you that others put there? Harder to get off than the price tag on your new water bottle? What does it say? Do you act differently because it's there? Do you believe it?

Why is it easier to dwell on lies about ourselves than the glorious truth about ourselves?

Sometimes we get labels just by group dynamics. Maybe you have a “smart” girl in your friend circle . . . so you think that roll is taken. You couldn’t be the smart girl, instead of there being two smart girls! Smart can look lots of different ways - not just grades and marks.  I was one of those girls. There was always the smart girl friend who filled those shoes, so I felt I couldn’t wear them.

If we allow these thoughts and messages to stick . . . and they are sticky . . . we get stuck. They stunt us in becoming who are truly meant to be.  Sticky labels can cause our confidence to shrink. We can settle for less in relationships and future choices. This might leave us feeling alone, depressed, or obsessed about compensating for what we think we lack.

Sometimes we don't even realize the lies we've embraced about ourselves and we hold back from being our full selves. We might lack confidence for trying new things, or meeting new people because we think we aren't "enough."

But you are! Truth is like goo-be-gone. 

How are we going to solve this sticky problem? 

Get someone who loves you to help you see past the lies and labels! Take a real look at your fears, what holds you back, what makes you feel uncomfortable, angry, or insecure. Get un-stuck from sticky labels.

Time to uproot the LIES and unstick the LABELS, and dig for your true BEAUTY!

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