(*Disclaimer…I am not making politic statements or supporting any political party or movement in my comments below. It is drawing out more generalized statements on relationships, leadership and behaviors. So calm down, grab a tea, and lets be nice girls, not mean girls. These are fairly quick thoughts – but stay tuned for more refined thoughts on “TRUE EMPOWERMENT – ME vs. WE Empowerment” - next week.)

As I am crafting new blog posts what true empowerment looks like for our girls – I reflect on these raw election results.

While many other countries in the world have had female leadership already, the US has not. Hilary almost grasped it last night. I think she thought she had grasped it. (I wonder what today is like for her – remember whatever your view, she is human. A human with great pant suits, but human none the less.)

Many are still shocked at the reality of this political defeat this morning. For many, it is a hard reality to accept across faith, gender, race, and political lines. (Ew, too much CNN, I didn’t like the use of the word “lines” – insert “views”.)

Truthfully, Hilary as a person has resonated with me time to time. I’m not talking politics, or alleged corruption, but as a fellow woman. Being a woman in leadership in a male dominated space, I could recognize moments she experienced strife specific to her gender in leadership. So I have some empathy for her as a person. But those observations are for another post.

In this intense political race, I've seen various Hilary supporters stating their reason for supporting her was so that girls could have a female role model of a woman in the highest office.

I agree with would be awesome! I also understand these sentiments come from a good place. But while sorting through that excitement, I believe we should still focus on selecting leaders based on qualification not gender.

Did I just say that when I realize that is not what we woke up to this am?


Because the message of empowerment still has to be that: fair leadership appointments are based on skill, heart, integrity, hard work, and overall qualifications. Or should be. That still should be the standard even if not the reality.

We can’t merely choose a candidate based on gender. Even if we are cheering for the ladies!

A better expression for a Hilary supporter would be: I am choosing her because of her qualifications, experience, and skills – with a side order of go girl. 

Imagine if the men were still going around saying dudes vote for dudes because they are dudes. (Wait that still happens). But we don't need to do the same.

So what am I saying?

•    We need to teach there is still an appropriate standard of leadership for a woman or a man - despite the sad display in the US on both sides.
•    We still need to teach our girls that we can’t select leaders based on gender or based on making history.
•    We need to teach them how to be good leaders, how to grow in gifts, skills, wellness, emotional intelligence, and how to have confidence.  
•    We need to explain injustices happen in life.

We need to teach them that thought one lady didn't win her race last night doesn't mean they can`t win theirs today.  

Let’s tell them we won’t go backwards, we will help create room for them to go forwards.

Empowerment still says – don’t cheat, work hard, treat people with compassion, be yourself, surround yourself with good support systems, find good resources, follow your dream up with some substance in preparation. Empowerment says, you have value, gifts, intelligence, and beauty. When you get knocked down – get back up. When there is a road block, don’t give up. When you feel like quitting – find a fresh voice to speak hope. When you don’t “win” – find another avenue to use your gifts and shine!

I often say to women at our TRUE U events I wish that we didn't have to teach and reteach on women's God given value, worth, equality and potential. That should be understood. That should be their experience. But the reality is that we need to remind ourselves of these things. 

Let us women continue to teach, lead, model, and empower our girls to develop good their true u, their gifts, and confidence to rise above life challenges. I get excited about seeing this potential unleashed!

Let us women keep raising intelligent, skilled, integral girls with a lot of courage, tenacity and big hearts. 

Let us women teach the richest and hardest life lessons: how leading well will come from loving well: loving their God, loving themselves, and loving their neighbour. Let’s teach them to overcome evil with good. Teach them when to celebrate and when to grieve - and how to heal and keep going!

Our girls need to know that God is still with them even when the unqualified little bully boy wins the class president - when they were more qualified.

Let’s teach her success is being a good person! Let’s teach her that she can be successful, not necessarily because she is a girl - but a person with great purpose and promise.

Shine little one – go lead where your gifts better this world and reveal God’s goodness.

 “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” Matthew 5: 14-16

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