Happy New Year! 

I thought I would share the end of yesterday's blog in its own post. These questions are worth a pause to make a healthier and stronger you for 2018.


What would you increase?

What would you decrease?

What would you add?

What would you subtract?

What would you forgive?

What would you relinquish?

What would you be open to?


Make a list of

...experiences that attributed to you joy – why were they so pleasurable?

...experience that caused pain – what was so painful?

...successes and failures – what did you learn?

...fears you have - how did you muster the courage to face them? Which ones do you still need to face?

...difficult things you overcame - how did you cope and manage to get through?

...things you pay attention to the most - pay attention to what you pay attention to and ask yourself why?

...moments that most made you laugh - what tickles your funny bone? How can you laugh more?

...physical activities that kept you moving last year - was this a benefit to your health?

...spiritual lessons/encounters/learning - how did this transform your life or thinking?

...relationships that were life giving – what qualities were in those life giving people?

...activities that bring you pleasure - how can you carve out time to do more of these?

Keep these lessons as a rich foundation for 2018.


How will I invest in the long term health of my:

1. Body
2. Mind
3. Spirit
4. Relationships
5. Finances


When it comes to our mental health it is important for us to engage in pleasurable activities and to feel productive. I tell my clients, go home and do something “new or old” that brings you fulfillment, purpose and pleasure. To do that, make a list of things that you value and give you purpose. Then line up some activities that match that list.

New Year practices you may embrace and get benefit from: 

- Gratitude reflections/journal
- Music/play/sing/dance/listen
- Exercise
- Walking in nature
- Coffee with a friend
- Seeking out a mentor
- Make a dream board
- Start a new study
- Join a book club
- Giving to the local food bank /soup kitchen
- Serving some seniors
- Organizing your home
- Bird watching
- Snow shoeing /Skiing
- Ice fishing
- Make a Pinterest craft
- Make a new recipe
- Writing/blogging
- Purge a closet
- Recycle an item for a new use
- Attend a paint night
- Go to a hockey game
- Watch a curling game
- Join a gym/or sports team
- Indoor walking club
- Go hear new/old band
- Volunteer somewhere new
- Visit a family member
- Rest
- Make maple syrup
- Visit a library
- Visit a museum with free Library pass
- Get support in reducing stress
- See a counsellor
- See your Pastor
- Ask how to serve your local church
- Plant a flower for your home
- Start an indoor garden
- Get a pet
- Scrapbook
- Get into genealogy
- Go for a scenic drive
- Read favorite book
- Read online articles of interest
- Relax at your favorite coffee shop