Thanks for checking out True U’s Roots & Wings Girl’s Day!

Its all about helping girls grow roots, that will help them fly free! 

Growing roots of character, self-confidence, value and faith. As these essentials take root, these girls will be empowered to make healthy choices that influence their future. Its about them soaring with the God given purpose in life, free of negative messages from the past, media, self doubt and misspoken word of others. True U is about girls finding their God given value, identity and purpose.

Since 2005, we have hosted smaller scale girls days. However, it has been a dream to scale it bigger – and make it available to as many that can come participate. We have also opened it starting at grade 7 because that is a crucial age for self-image development. 

With your $10 registration each participate will enjoy 8 inspirational and informative sessions, a girls day group photo, a TRUE U T-shirt, and a Pizza lunch. We make this possible by the generous donations of others!

Please Register at


Mirror Mirror: Self-Image
We will discuss the importance of having a healthy self image and how to see through a new lens. What messages do we hear and see that give us negative feelings about ourselves?

Fit & Fun: Healthy Living At Home
It is so important to take care of ourselves body, mind, and soul. This session will focus on fun ways to be active and teaching how to make a delicious smoothie at home.

Girl Meets Boy: Relationships
Girls need to find their intrinsic value rather than base it on a boy or middle school relationship that will disappoint. We want girls to know the power knowing their value, the power of choice/consent. Just because a boy desires them, does not necessarily mean he values them.

Frenemy: Friendships
How do you identify that girl in your friend circle who’s not really being your friend? What do you do? We will walk through what a good and healthy friend looks like, and how to deal with a girl who is a Frenemy.

STICKY: Labels
Words can stick. Negative self talk can stick. But just how do you remove those sticky labels? We will continue our theme on value, and self worth by encouraging girls to identify what negative labels they are carrying at to transform them into truth about themselves!

Creative Sessions

Song Bird:
Girls can find out how a local artist writes songs, and will encourage the girls to pursue their gifts and not give up!

Stylish U:
Want some fast hair or makeup tips, one of our young adults will be giving some instruction!

Stomp: One Girl Nation
We are going to have a blast learning a group choreographed dance by one of our local dance teachers. Tied in with our Frenemy talk, we will learn to work in unity and as a team as a one girl nation – no divisions.

Big thank you to our “Girl Talk” Presenters
Melanie Murray, Jeanette Mackintosh, Rachel Wright, Trina Moss, and Grace Goodridge.

Thank you to the many hands that will make R&W Girls Day meaningful and exciting.

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