For too long Ive let others opinions of me dictate SO much.

When friends or pastors have told me NO, when I have felt I should do something in an area of ministry, Ive just assumed that obviously I must be wrong. Or worse, they don't want me.  When it became clear that a leader didnt like what I was proposing as a ministry option, I assumed I wasn't good enough or worthy for the calling or position. I felt like there was something wrong with myself, or that maybe I wasn't pastoral material.

I have even started to feel like maybe after 10 years of trying to be actively vocationally involved in pastoral ministry (aka. being a pastor for work) that I heard God wrong, after having door after door shut. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I wasn't worth it. 

Nobody else seems to see what I have, except my family. Nobody seems to know what I have to offer, or what I can do, or see the strengths I have . . .  and . . . It was killing me.

I came across this quote a few months back.

Your value doesn't decrease based on someones inability to see your worth

                                                                                                             ~Author Unknown~

Ive been thinking about it ever since.

Amazing isn't it.  Simple. True. Healing

Its amazing how we let other peoples opinions carry so much weight and how quickly we can change our own opinion of ourselves to accommodate theirs.  Its so much worse when we believe the lie that because they don't see what we see then it obviously must not be there. And that is the lie that I had come to believe.

How many us have fallen into that place where we have allowed how others perceive us to determine how we feel about our own self?  How many of us have tried to change parts of who we are to accommodate others so we can feel more valued, loved, cherished? How many times have we allowed our value to decrease because someone didn't see our worth?

Your importance doesn't decrease based on someones inability to see your abilities

(Who you are, what you can do). 

God finds us SO important. 

And that value NEVER changes.


2 Corinthians 12:9 says that His grace is enough for us, and His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Basically that means even though we are human and flawed and make mistakes, Gods grace sees past that and the things that are our biggest downfalls and weaknesses are made abilities by His grace.  We are important to Him and for Him.  And where we are weakest HE makes us strongest, even if someone else doesn't see it. 


So hold onto your dreams, your calling and who you are.  Even if someone else doesn't see your worth, doesn't see what you have to offer or even doesn't think you can do it. Remember that you are worth it and can do it even if others don't always see it.

If you do lack some of the abilities to succeed in those areas, GODs strength is made perfect in our weaknesses

Guest Post By, 
Rachel Wright